Well, readers, I can’t quite believe what I’ve found. Have you heard of Wikipedia? I’ve just come across it and, my God, it’s got every bit of information you could possibly need to research an article of journalism.
Now, I know as well as any good journalist that a bulging contacts book is everything. And, clearly, compiling just such a book is right up there on my to-do list. But that takes time, and time and tide wait for no hack. So in the meanwhile, I’m going to spend a few hours each day on Wikipedia getting facts about things I want to write stories about.
For instance, this morning I’ve been researching for an article about dog theft. Mrs Bradley, my neighbour, had her dog stolen. It was a Bernese Mountain Dog. According to Wikipedia, it turns out that both the St Bernard and the Rottweiler are descended from this dog. Well the same breed, not Mrs Bradley’s dog Raffles obviously.
It’s especially useful in my ongoing attempts to discover whether or not I believe in God. I hadn’t realised quite what I was taking on here. I mean, it could take weeks to come to a conclusion on this. As regular readers will know, I am a practising Buddhist. But am I an agnostic Buddhist, an atheist Buddhist, a monotheist Buddhist, pantheist Buddhist, Hindu Buddhist, Muslim Buddhist, or like a lot of people I know a Christian Buddhist? And if I’m Christian Buddhist, for example, am I Baptist Christian Buddhist? And if I am, am I new Baptist or old? Phew!
Anyway, I’m going to read all about them on my new favourite website: Wikipedia!
But please don’t go shouting about this site to everyone, KK? I’m trying to ‘steal a march’ on other aspiring journalists, apart from Notts County's Gav Strachan, of course, and I need you to keep this to yourself.
Peace be upon you (that’s what I’ll be saying if I decide I’m a Muslim!!!).
A very good site wikipedia - but always double check the information you obtain from it as it is written by the public and many journalists have fallen into the trap of publishing false information.
ReplyDeleteIf two other sources tell you the same thing, then you are good to print.
Cheers for the tip Steve. You've suggested that if two other sources tell me the same thing, then I'm good to print. Would that stand up in a court of law?
ReplyDeleteI only ask because yesterday my mate Dave who used to work in sales on the Mail assured me that Match of the Day goldenboy Gary Linekar is a bit of secret ladies man. He reckons it's common knowledge in the tabs. I was going to write up his account, but Wikipedia doesn't seem to mention it!?
Dave also had a few choice stories about former snooker player Steve 'interesting' Davies.
I wouldn't want to get sued. After all that stuff with Sky I am a little wary of making allegations. Even if they are true!
What you've got to ask yourself is - is it in the publics interest to know that Gary is a ladies man? Will this discredit him and cause him to be viewed in a different light by members of the public or by his family. Do you have proof? Photos? "My mate said" wouldn't stand up in a court of law. The Mail are a large paper and can afford law suits. If I were you I'd stay clear of gossip and focus on public interest stories. There everywhere!
ReplyDeleteWrite about your local community. What can you see? Local shops closing their doors, a community centre celebrating an anniversary, a building you'd like to see restored, a lady running a gardening club in her back garden, news is everywhere.