Sometimes it takes a change of perspective to make you realise that you've changed.
I don't mean to say you've changed. I mean one has changed. My exciting career as a Citizen Journalist is in its infancy, I'm going off in new directions, I'm exploring myself.
You're an HR manager for a string of estate agents in South London.
We've grown apart.
A few days ago on this very blog, I turned to my loyal readership to decide whether or not we should be together. As I write these words, there are 12 hours left in the voting, and it would take a massive swing in your favour to persuade me that we have a future.
50% of voters said that we should split, 33 per cent suggested that I cheat on you, while the remainder said we should stay together. It's pretty conclusive.
I was going to wait until the voting had finished, however, having read your comments on my previous post, I know that you've been reading the blog!
So, I suppose it's over. I never wanted it to end this way, I probably would have called, or perhaps sent a private text. But since you've read the blog and know how I feel about Amber, then I suppose the best thing to do is terminate the relationship here on the blog.
It's not you, it's me. We've grown apart, I hope we can still be friends after all this?
I won't say goodbye, that's too final, I'll say bon voyage.
I love you as a friend, you're more like a sister.
Got to go now, I've got a Frey Bentos in the oven and I quite fancy finishing the latest season on Pro Evo.
Bazzler :-(
ps. if you could post me my Coldplay album sometime this week that would great.
pps. can I keep the kettle, I know your mum bought it us, but you've got one and to be honest, I don't really think you need two kettles